Thursday, March 7, 2013

Next mayor - maybe?, politically savvy - definitely!

NYC Comptroller John C. Liu

Meet a potential candidate for NYC Mayor (2013). He showed up at an assignment I had in the Bronx, a ribbon cutting, something quite trivial in the larger scope of NYC activities. But this one was in a Hispanic neighborhood, sure to be covered by the local media, especially Hispanic media.

And that's why I noticed that in all my group shots, he was looking into the lens of the photographer from "La Voz". That's where he needs to make his presence known - the Hispanic community. Politicians need to be smart and he is. Besides, he's an alumni of the same HS I went to - Bronx HS of Science.

But I'm afraid there's some dirty laundry in his closet. Most politicians have some so it may not be a hindrance in his upcoming campaign?

One thing I know for sure. He sure is photogenic.

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