Wednesday, May 22, 2013

"not only teach them tennis and academics but character"

Former number 1 tennis player in the world Billy Jean King was a key speaker at a groundbreaking ceremony I shot this afternoon for a new tennis stadium for the New York Center for Tennis and Learning at Crotona Park in the Bronx. As far as I was concerned, she said the most important stuff of all the speakers and what she said didn't get any applause. I wonder why?

She emphasized in her talk that young people would learn tennis and academics, but most importantly "character" - something lacking in our society today. Isn't typical in our modern times that truly important stuff gets short shrift? Making lots of money, donating lots of money and raising a lot of money - those were the topics that got attention today.

Teach the children, but most importantly, teach them to be a "good" people first and foremost.

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